Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 23...All Work and No Play

I was finally granted the opportunity to sleep a little later than usual. Though it was only until 8:15, it felt wonderful. Immediately after getting dressed, I proceeded to walk to the common area to work on my group project. From 8:30 until 12:00, I mostly worked on a video for the introduction to our project. After about an hour of doing so, I had the opportunity to have a chat with Dr. Harris. The first thing we discussed was my favorite part of the trip. Though it may seem simple and silly, the highlight for me was playing soccer with the kids. Most people simply watched from the sidelines or played for a few minutes before retiring for water. For me, on the other hand, it meant the world. As I told Dr. Harris of my passion for soccer, I began to tear up. Though I did not have the opportunity to give detail as to why it is so important to me, I think Dr. Harris understood and realized that the simple things on this trip have meant to world to me, like playing soccer.

After finally finishing the video, I took a break for lunch with the remainder of the group. I only took fifteen minutes to do so in order for me begin my identity paper. From about 12:30 until dinner at 6:00, I worked on my paper. Dinner was like lunch in that I sped through in order to return to my work. From 6:15 until 10:00 I worked on my paper more. Even with all of this time, I was still not finished but decided to head for bed; I could have a fresh start in the morning. 

Today mainly consisted of work and eating. Therefore, the lesson of the day lies in my conversation with my teacher. I recently realized it is my passion, and I need to find a way to play again. However, as I cried a bit thinking back on soccer and my past, I realized why it is so close to my heart. Having played soccer since I was seven years old, I have made some wonderful friendships during the process and have some very wonderful memories. For eleven years, my life, as well as my parents', revolved around this sport. This sport was a bonding time for me with new friends and for my parents with new friends as well. My last game was a sad day for all of us as we realized I would probably never play in a competitive setting like my club team provided ever again. Today I learned that without soccer, my life would be completely different. There were times I wanted to quit along with some of my friends, but I managed to stick with it. All credit is due to my parents for all of the time they gave up and effort they put forth so that I could play for as long as I did. Thanks for everything guys:).

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